Written by: T.M. Brunson
All my life, I have been battling weight issues. I was a little thicker than my peers; but not overweight. In college, I gained the Freshman 15+. And, in my junior year, I actually worked out and did
1,000 crunches every day and lost weight.
It wasn't until after a few years after college when I gained an enormous amount of weight. I don't remember what the catalyst was for me to gain so much weight and reach over 200 lbs. and was in a size 18. But I remember a breakup caused me to lose a lot of it and drop down to a size 10. Not skinny by Hollywood standards, but normal by "regular people" standards. I still wasn't eating "healthy." I just wasn't eating often.
Then, I got married a few years later and started to have kids.
I was pregnant all of my 30s. Having back to back kids did not help me in the area of weight loss. (No excuses, though.) I went through a stage where my goal was to become a vegetarian. I went through the no-carb stage. The no white rice/bread stage. The only-eat-cereal all day and all night stage.
This past weekend, my niece launched a Juice 4 Kids line under her B Fit -n- Focused company. The girls loved it! We have tried to present healthier options to our girls so they can make the right choices later.
I was at my heaviest weight while I was pregnant with this last baby—upwards of 250+lbs. Since I had her, I have increased my water intake because I've been trying to jumpstart my breastmilk again. Between that and walking a lot at my job, I dropped weight. 45lbs to be exact.
Now, ever since my milk production started decreasing, I feel my weight increasing, so I'm doing everything I can to stop that from happening.
I eat organic fruits. Drink lots of water. Monitor my bread intake. Try to cut down on my meat consumption; and, I drink organic pressed juices and smoothies. I am so happy that my niece started this company because it gives everyone a healthier option rather than stopping at Starbucks or Coffee Bean & Tea Leaf. She also does Meal Prep!
Have you ever struggled with weight issues? What choices have you made to become your healthiest self?